Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So the Journey Begins...

As the weather  begins to make those wonderful Spring changes, I begin to long for the days of playing the game I love.  I continue to work towards my goals of weight loss and better physical fitness, in order to be ready for another season of base ball.  This game has never been about winning or losing, it has been about learning to play the game for the love of it, and nothing else.  I never thought that I could play the game of base ball and not care about the end result.  Do I still get down on myself when I do not perform well?  Sure, that will always be there because we all have personal expectations for ourselves.

When I began playing vintage base ball in 2005, I never thought I would enjoy playing this game for so many more reasons than competition.  The first thing that I realized, was that I am a social bug that enjoys good conversation with people of similar interests.  With this game, I found many people that had the same personality.  I have met many ballists over the years, and some of my favorite, are the ones I can see every year and strike up a conversation that we left off with the year before.

The second thing that I found with the game of vintage base ball, is the camaraderie.  Again, I am a social person, but I never imagined to gain as many friends that I have over the last seven years.  I have friends from all over the country, that I formed bonds with, through vintage base ball.  Many of my friends hail from the Midwest, however, I also have gentlemen and ladies that I consider friends, from Colorado, the East Coast and North Carolina.

The reason for this blog, is to track the journey that myself and my teammates go through, in a typical base ball season.  I will spend time throughout the season describing not only events from the match, but also conversations with friends from all over the country.  Of course, any conversation that I share, will have the permission of my fellow ballists.

The journey of a vintage ballist, I believe, is very unique and different. I want this to be an opportunity to share my experiences, as well as open it up to other ballists out there, to share their experiences.

I will end with one of my friend's favorite sayings "For the Glory of Game"!

The Vintage Ballist

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